About Us
As Mid-Century kids, we sat on Gramma’s plastic-covered sofa, eyes locked on vaulted china cabinets filled with rarely-used wedding china, sparkling crystal, and cherished knick-knacks. Lifelong collections, handed down through generations, crafted by master hands—yet touched by so few.
Today, our visits to estate sales are as thrilling as they are humbling. The old chestnut, "You can't take it with you," rings truer than ever. With solemn pride and joy, we embrace our calling—rediscovering these beloved treasures, wherever they may be hiding, and finding them a new admirer.
Anyone who has moved or lost a loved one knows the stark reality: treasured collections can end up in donation bins, at the curb, or—worse—as landfill. Sometimes, there’s simply no more room on the moving truck. We see ourselves as guardians at the edge of that abyss, rescuing lifelong passions from being lost forever.
We are David and Catherine, the GSale Hunters of Maryland, USA. Together, we proudly run two 5-star-rated shops on eBay and Etsy. Our treasure-hunting journey began in the ’70s, decorating a college apartment on a budget. What started as necessity grew into a shared passion that never faded.
David, raised in a family of antique dealers, was immersed in auctions and picking from an early age. Cat, a trained fine artist, has spent a lifetime studying popular styles. As Mid-Century kids, Mod teens of the ’60s and ’70s, and frugal new parents of the ’80s, we’ve lived through—and deeply understand—the evolution of what is now today’s vintage marketplace. More often than not, we find ourselves exclaiming, "We used to have one of those!"
Our passion takes us from flea markets to estate sales and every garage sale in between. As husband and wife, our interests may differ, but our focus remains the same—seeking out high-quality, timeless design. Peruse our shop, and you’ll see we’re not “married” to any single style. From hand-wrought tools to hand-knotted lace, we appreciate the lines, colors, textures, and the shifting design movements of the 20th century—because we lived them.
At GSH, we are always on the hunt—dedicated to rescuing orphaned treasures and giving them a new life with YOU. And along the way, we share insider tips, hidden histories, and the stories that make these collectibles truly valuable. With over a decade on eBay and Etsy and here(!) we have 3 top-rated (100%) trusted 5-Star rated online stores. We're GSaleHunter worldwide so the curious can go read our rave Reviews on eBay and Etsy.
Why have our own website and domain? Well we offer glimpses of our latest finds before they are posted for Sale on "Featured Items" where we share behind-the-scenes finds before they hit our catalog. Dive into the historical research we uncover, too in-depth for listing descriptions, but fascinating for fellow collectors in our “Before and After” series, where we restore forgotten treasures to their former glory.
At GSH we are always on the hunt, dedicated to rescuing orphaned treasures and finding them a new life - with YOU. Even better, offer some behind the scenes tips and tricks and the deeper backstory and historical knowledge which drives the value of those collectibles.